Age of Empires - The Rise of Rome

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Kushagra
Update by: surya prakash
Update by: nayan narula
Jensen Clark, Submitted the following Information:

Cheat mode:
Just type in these codes in the chat window: then press ENTER again.

Cheat             Effect
king arthur     - changes birds into dragons (999 HP)
grantlinkspence - Turns animals into Animal Kings.
pow big mamma   - new unit: BabyPrez (Baby on trike) (500 HP, 50 str, 10 arm, 15 rng)
convert this!   - new priest unit ("Saint Francis"), who kills his enemies by lightning
                  (25 HP, 200 str, 0 arm, 10 rng)
stormbilly      - get a sci-fi robot ("Zug 209") (100 HP, 20 str, 10 arm, 15 rng)

Please Note: Cheats and Hints listed above may not support all versions of the game.

Age Of Empires

MEDUSA          - villagers become medusa. When villager is killed, he becomes a black rider.
                  and if killed again becomes a heavy catapult.
DIEDIEDIE       - you all die
RESIGN          - you resign
REVEAL MAP      - reveals all the map
PEPPERONI PIZZA - gives yourself 1000 food
COINAGE         - gives yourself 1000 gold
WOODSTOCK       - gives yourself 1000 wood
QUARRY          - gives yourself 1000 stone
NO FOG          - remove the fog-of-war
HARI KARI       - suicide (a more spectacular way to resign)
PHOTON MAN      - get a 'Nuke Trooper' (guy /W A laser gun)
GAIA            - control the animals (You loose control of your humans)
FLYING DUTCHMAN - juggernaughts turn into the Flying Dutchman
STEROIDS        - instant build
HOME RUN        - win the scenario
KILLX           - where 'X' is the players position (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
BIGDADDY        - get a cool car /W a rocket launcher
BIG BERTHA      -  heavy catapults have greater range and damage
ICBM            - ballistias get 100 range points
HOYOHOYO        - priest speed up alot, and get 600 hit points
JACK BE NIMBLE  - catapults fire peasants who do somersaults as they fly through the air.
E=MC2 TROOPER   - get a futuristic trooper. who fires nuclear missles which explode when
                  they hit.

Please Note: Cheats and Hints listed above may not support all versions of the game.

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by:Paul Van Zweel

While you are busy playing and you press enter the chat menu
will pop up.  Type in this code:

give me gas - This will give you a person with a
              gun that has an infinite range and
              infinite hitpoints.

Submitted by: Naveen.N.R

While playing the game press enter and then type "OPPOW"
to get a baby on a tricycle with a super gun.

Submitted by: Aneez&Rineez

To do this you must gather a lot of wood first. You can either use any cheat for this or you
can use your villagers to do this.

When there is one unit left for you to reach the Population limit select some of your villagers
and build the structures which are used to terrain the units you want.(You must have one building
for each unit you build after population limit. Eg: you need 11 archery ranges to terrain 10
archers after the limit).

After building enough buildings hold down the CTRL key and select the building you have built.
Now you can quickly change your selection by  pressing TAB.

Now you can start terraining units you want by selecting the appropriate icon(using hotkeys
is recommended). When you have selected one icon in one building once Quickly change your
selection(using TAB) and select a unit in that building and continue this action until you
have selected one unit in each building.

If you succeeded in selecting one unit in each building Before the first unit is created you
can build as much units As you want.(It will become easy if the first unit you created Is a
unit which take a lot of time to terrain. Eg: PRIEST,ELEPHANT etc.).
Practice will make you better in doing this.

Making your enemies as your ally:
Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana

In order to make your enemies as your allies just follow this. First, build a very vast
military base. Don't concentrate on creating extra villagers. If you are playing a random
map with more than two enemies then one of them will be concentrating to build a forward
military base like you and the other will be concentrating in creating extra villagers to
build temples, markets and Wonder. This you could easily see from the mini-map. Now bring
your large army to the enemy base that concentrates on creating villagers, destroy their
wonder and temples. The enemy at once gets stunned to see your ambush attack and they will
change their diplomatic stance to ally. Atonce you should set your diplomacy to ally if
you are too late then they will again set their stance to enemy. Try it, It really happens.
This technique is common to both Age of Empires-I and Age of Empires-Rise of Rome. If more
doubts persists, Mail me.

Use artmoney search:
Submitted by: Tran Van Minh Vuong

Interger 2 bytes : search Attack, search heart,....
float 4 bytes    : search range, search resouse, max limit...
but if u play multi with another, u would be kicked out.
U can search hearth, u wouldn't be kicked out.

Elephant conversion:
Order a Phalanx to attack a war elephant or armored elephant. The Phalanx will convert
the elephant.

Walk on water:
This trick requires a composite bowman. Enable the dark rain code, then command your
composite bowman off the land.

Alternate catapult ammunition:
After enabling the jack be nimble code, the catapults will fire different ammunition
depending on the direction they are facing.

East : Peasants
North: Cattle
South: Peasants
West : Superman

Changing the Population Limit:
Submitted by: sash

If you are playing a multiplayer game, the game host can increase or decrease the 50-unit
population limit by adding the Limit= parameter to the Age of Empires command line.
If you are playing a multiplayer game through Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone, the game
host must also add the Limit= parameter to the Age of Empires registry. Players can check
the population limit of a multiplayer game by looking for the Population Limit setting
that appears in the Settings list after they join a game.

To add the Limit= parameter to the command line in the Age of Empires shortcut

1. In Windows 95, click the Start button, point to Settings, click Taskbar, click Start
   Menu Programs, click Advanced, and then double-click Programs.
   In Windows NT, right-click the Start button, select Open All Users, and then double-click
2. Double-click Microsoft Games, and then double-click Age of Empires.
3. Right-click the Age of Empires shortcut, click Properties, and then click Shortcut.
4. In the Target text box, type Limit=x after the existing command line text. Type the
   population limit instead of the letter "x." For example, to set the population limit to
   65, type Limit=65. You can type any number from 25 to 200. The default setting is 50.
   Parameters must be separated by a space; capitalization is not important.

To add the Limit= parameter to the Age of Empires registry for multiplayer games using
the Internet Gaming Zone

1. Click the Start button, and then click Run.
2. Type Regedit, and then click OK.
3. Double-click Hkey_local_machine/Software/Microsoft/DirectPlay/Applications/Age of Empires/
4. In the Value data text box, type Limit=x after the existing command line text. Do not
   remove the word "lobby" from the command line. Type the population limit instead of the
   letter "x." For example, to set the population limit to 65, type Limit=65.
   You can type any number from 25 to 200. The default setting is 50. Parameters must be
   separated by a space; capitalization is not important.

WARNING:Increasing the population limit decreases game performance. For example,
with a 50-unit population limit, the potential number of concurrent units in an
8-player game is 400. With a 200-unit population limit, the potential number of
concurrent units in an 8-player game is 1600. This increase in the number of units
can seriously degrade overall game performance.

An easy way to tackle 2 or more enemies in a death match:
Submitted by: Rohit

First, select 4 teams and make 1 team as ur ally by choosing team1,1... Then, start the
game. Don't concentrate on making more villagers, make more defense by making walls and
towers on the boundaries. Then make as much as priests and ballistas as u can. Then, type
"icbm" and "hoyohoyo" cheats. Then, make 20 priests,15 ballistas and make them stand in
the boundary. Then, attack all the enemies and they won't be able to crush ur empire. For
further detals and FAQ's contact me.

Rest In Peace:
As I was replaying the ascent of Egypt campaign, I decided to redo the trade mission. I
destroyed my dock and placed a new one on the other side of the map (as far away as you
can get from the Libyans) to increase trade value. I then proceeded to destroy my only
ally. Once that was done, I started collecting everything I could from the island. It
was then that I realized (right where the elephants were) that on the ground, there were
three letters written in the dirt, surrounded by grass. Those three letters, in order,
are RIP. A tribute to your dead ally.

Efek salju berjatuhan

Mungkin sobat blogger bosan dengan tampilan blog yang bisa saja, atau kurang cantik, indah... mungkin dengan memberi efek sperti salju turun di blog bisa membuat para blogger senang... hehehe....

Kili Ini saya akan memberikan cara membuat Efek Salju Berjatuhan

Berikut Langkah Langkahnya :

 1. Klik rancangan --> Edit html
 2. Letakkan script efek di atas kode </body>
 3. Klik Save
 4. Dibawah ini Script nya...

<script src="" type="text/javascript">

Aplikasi OTA Blackberry


Windows 7 Start Button Changer v 2.6 + 10 Sample Orbs

Untuk pengguna Windows 7 yang bosan dengan tampilan Start Button-nya,  Saya sarankan untuk menggukan Windows 7 Button Changer ini. Dengan tools ini kita bisa mengganti logo standar Windows start dengan logo yang kita mau atau yang kita suka dengan syarat format logo tersebut adalah bmp. Jadi logo Start yang berada di kiri bawah, menjadi lebih menarik dari biasanya. Bisa juga diganti dengan gambar yang anda suka, dangan catatan gambar tesrebut berformat bmp.
 Cara menggantinya :

1.  Klik 2 kali Windows 7 Start Button Changer v 2.6.exe

 2. Klik Select & Change Start Button.
       3. Setelah di klik, cari lah folder 10 Sample Orbs nya maka muncul seperti gambar berikut.

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5. Dan hasilnya Seperti gambar berikut ini :

 Jika anda menyukai artikel-artikel dari kami dan ingin berlangganan melalui email jangan lupa untuk memasukan email address anda di form "Update Via E-mail".Bila ada kritik, saran, tanggapan ataupun pertanyaan silakan isi pada form komentar di bawah, dan kami akan berusaha untuk menjawab secepatnya. Terimakasih.
Windows 7 Start Button Changer  :  Download
 10 Sample Orbs  :  Download

7 Cara Untuk Mendapatkan Uang dari Internet

1. Paid review
Saya menghasilkan uang dari paid review (kadang disebut juga pay per post atau sponsored reviews) via broker atau tanpa broker. Ada banyak broker program ini, namun saya hanya mengikuti empat broker berikut:

  1. Sponsored Reviews (SR)
  2. Blogsvertise
  3. ReviewMe
  4. LinkWorth

Kelebihan bila menggunakan broker adalah ada banyak pengiklan dan Anda tidak perlu mencarinya. Namun, kelemahannya adalah penghasilan Anda akan dipotong oleh broker tersebut (30-50%).
Besarnya uang per review berbeda-beda setiap broker. SR memberlakukan sistem bid sehingga Anda bisa melakukan penawaran sesuai rangking blog Anda di broker tersebut. Kisaran penawaran yang umum adalah $5-$200. Sebagai informasi saja, saya sudah dua kali mendapat job seharga $200.
Sementara itu, tiga broker lain menggunakan sistem non-bidding. Blogverstise dan Review umumnya memberikan job seharga $5-$10, sementara LinkWorth memberikan job seharga $5-$50.
Saya juga menghasilkan uang dari paid review tanpa broker. Biasanya pengiklan atau agen iklan menghubungi saya langsung. Saya mematok harga $25-$50 untuk sebuah paid review di blog-blog berbahasa Inggris yang saya miliki.
Tips singkat: Untuk menghasilkan banyak uang dari program paid review, menurut pengalaman saya, blog Anda sebaiknya:

  1. Memiliki page rank minimal 2
  2. Alexa rank di bawah 500 ribu
  3. Memiliki konten dalam bahasa Inggris
  4. Topiknya kesehatan, traveling, rumah, finansial, dan otomotif
2. Pay per click (PPC)
PPC adalah program yang akan membayar Anda bila ada iklan yang diklik pengunjung. Empat program PPC manca negara yang saya ikuti adalah:

  1. Google Adsense
  2. Infolinks
  3. Chitika
  4. Kontera

Dari keempat program PPC tersebut, favorit saya adalah Google AdSense dan Infolinks.
Sementara itu, saya juga mengikuti PPC lokal di blog-blog berbahasa Indonesia, seperti:

  1. KlikSaya
  2. KumpulBlogger
  3. AdsenseCamp

3. Iklan mandiri
Iklan mandiri adalah menyediakan slot iklan (berupa banner) di blog sendiri tanpa perantara. Ukuran banner bervariasi, mulai dari 125×125 sampai 728×90. Biaya beragam karena bergantung kepada jumlah pengunjung. Saat saya mengelola Blogotainmen (blog hiburan yang sudah saya hapus), saya mematok harga Rp 100 ribu rupiah per bulan untuk setiap banner ukuran 125×125.
Jika Anda ingin memaksimalkan cara ini, Anda bisa membaca tulisan saya berikut:

  1. 4 Tips Menggaet Pemasang Iklan
  2. Cara membuat floating banner di footer
  3. Cara Menentukan Biaya Pemasangan Banner di Blog Anda

4. Cost per mile (CPM)
Program CPM membayar Anda berdasarkan seribu impresi. Sebagai contoh, sebuah blog yang menghasilkan 100.000 page views per bulan menampilkan iklan dengan CPM $1, maka blog tersebut akan mendapatkan $100 per bulan (100.000/1.000 x $1). Program yang pernah saya hanya Inniti.
Namun, bila Anda memiliki blog berhasa Inggris dengan jutaan page views per bulan, Anda bisa mencoba:

  1. Casale Media
  2. Burst Media
  3. Value Click
  5. Tribal Fusion
  6. Right Media

5. Afiliasi
Pembayaran program afiliasi berdasarkan komisi dari produk atau jasa orang lain yang dipromosikan. Saya baru mencoba afiliasi individual (misal afiliasi hosting) dan Amazon. Sementara itu, banyak juga jejearing afiliasi yang layak dicoba, antara lain:

  1. ClickBank
  2. Commission Junction

Sekadar informasi, afiliasi adalah salah satu program penghasil dolar yang menjanjikan. Pat Flyn adalah salah satu contoh blogger sukses di bidang ini (ia menghasilkan lebih dari $10,000 per bulan).

6. Text link ads
Text link ads adalah iklan link yang muncul di tulisan atau sidebar. Harga iklannya bervariasi, bergantung kepada brokernya. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, harganya berkisar antara $4-8 per bulan. Broker text link ads yang saya ikuti adalah:

  1. Text-Link-Ads
  2. TNX
  3. LinkWorth
  4. BackLinks

7. Paid download
Paid download adalah program yang akan membayar Anda jika file yang Anda simpan di situs penyimpanan gratis di-download orang lain. File ini bisa berupa pdf, gambar, software, dan lain-lain. Uang yang akan Anda dapatkan bervariasi, umumnya $0.001 per download. Dengan kata lain, Anda akan dapat $1 bila file Anda di-download oleh seribu orang.
Di program ini, saya hanya bermain di Ziddu. Dari 3 tahun keikutan, saya belum pernah payout.

Tips Menaikan Ranking Alexa

Ini adalah tips dari Saya untuk menaikkan ranking Alexa antara lain:
  1. Daftarkan dulu blog sobat di kalau belum ya register dulu. Untuk blog mywapblog cara verifikasi ntar codenya di masukkan di description blog lewat dashboard - setting.
  2. Buatlah blog sobat semenarik mungkin agar mendapatkan banyak visitor yaitu dengan postingan-postingan yang bermanfaat dan beda dari yang lain, tampilan blog yang menarik dan ringan dibuka. Banyak komentar belum tentu banyak visitor. Karena yang dinilai oleh Alexa adalah banyaknya visitor.
  3. Memasang widget alexa juga bisa untuk mempercepat menaikkan ranking alexa tapi langkah ini menurut ane hanya optional.
  4. Meminta review dan rate teman-teman sobat untuk memberikan komentar/penilaiannya di blog alexa yang sudah sobat daftarkan tadi. Nah misalnya seperti ini
Review on

Hanya sekedar itu aja sob yang bisa Saya berikan
Semoga Bermanfaat

Firecrow Blogger template



 Template name : Firecrow

Template type : 1 Sidebar, 2 Column, 4 Column footer, Adapted from WordPress, Black, Blue, Elegant, Featured Section, Fixed width, Header Banner, Magazine, Premium, Red, Right Sidebar, Slider, Top Navigation Bar, Web 2.0, White, Games

Release date : May 31, 2011

Coder/Designer Name(s) : Lasantha Bandara / Web2feel

Coder/Designer URL(s) :

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger template

Advanced Details :


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